AIMA Frontiers is a mobile application that uses mobile devices to enhance the productivity of everyday living, "FRONTIERS" application is made to program your mobile phone, computer network, cable network, to work from a Robotic Agent Simulator that works like a small server in your home that would direct security services to keep your home and mobile devices safe from online invaders including hackers, viruses, and other predators that emulate our behaviors to gain access to our mobile environments.

Our Robotic Agent is made of a small robot which is artificial intelligent device that works as an autonomous agent that protects the radius of your home using your behavioral methodology to program your device on the best way to protect your mobile devices.

For example if you run at 6:00 am in the morning and your mobile devices are charging, Frontiers  can turn on your security firewall through your robotic agent to secure not only your home but also all devices that are charging through your home. Once charged your online application will be secure through your Robotic Agent through out your day using satellite server systems to secure your firewall security system.

Our Robotic Agents come in  styles that would not be considered a security devices, our market analysis would include tech savvy professionals, home based business professionals, tech companies and family community groups such as block club associations and schools.

Our prototype will be coming soon... stay focused and stay safe with Frontiers Applications.

AIMA Frontier Team



AIMA Frontier Robotics is powered by Microsoft Server SQRL, with our process we reduce your cost, by speed and accuracy of how our system software runs your security applications with our robotic controls from our any secure environment.

Through research that stretches the limits of measurement science and pushes the envelope of current measurement and test capabilities, AIMA Frontiers will:

  • Safely increase the versatility, autonomy, re-tasking of intelligent robots and automation technologies for smart manufacturing and cyber-physical systems, using  programmed software applications;
  • Enable real-time monitoring, control, and performance optimization of smart systems such as Windows Server, Java through website development and mobile directives in small, medium, and large companies;
  • Enable cost-effective production of complex,  products through advanced hardware processes and equipment; and,
  • Facilitate straightforward integration of software engineering information systems used in complex server networks to improve product and process performance.
  • With these elements in mind , our applications will help secure your most sensitive system with up-to-date modules that repeat similar task every second of the day, firewalls that secure your home and office environment. 

AIMA Frontiers Robotics uses a main "SERVER STATION" which helps to secure your office environment through our mobile application module our firewall which is illustrated in the above example will give your mobile hardware an extra layer of protection.  Robotic Security Systems (RSS) is the future for protection  "mobile data informational systems".